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Federation-wide databank
and reporting system

Federation-wide databank and reporting system

FDRS is an IFRC platform dedicated to providing insights on the Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies. The data is gathered through a yearly data collection from 191 National Societies.

"Over 22,4 million people worldwide donated blood in 2020 with one of our National Societies."

Everyone Counts Report

Five years ago, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) embarked on a journey to ensure that we go beyond resilience and enable individuals and communities to thrive. The journey began in 2020 with the adoption of Strategy 2030. As we reach the midpoint of Strategy 2030, the IFRC reflects on the collective performance of the global network, made possible through the hard work and commitment of our member National Societies. This document reflects the analysis of our achievements and the insights on the challenges ahead, so we can adjust our priorities and ways of working for the remaining five years of Strategy 2030.


National Society Income and Expenditure Overview
Summary of the total income for National Societies worldwide, sources of income, and the expenditure.

"The unprecedented challenges the COVID-19 pandemic presented us with led National Societies and their partners to find new, innovative ways to diversify the sources of income, reaching a significant high in 2020."

Income vs. Expenditure

Total Income 2023
Total Expenditure 2023

Sources of Income

Public service incomeHome governmentUN agencies & other multilateral agenciesIFRCIndividualsIncome generating activityOtherCorporationsOther National SocietyFoundationsForeign governmentICRCPooled fundsNon-governmental organizations44.6%17.0%9.6%7.7%5.4%5.1%3.8%1.8%1.8%1.4%0.5%0.5%0.4%0.4%

National Society Main Activities by People Reached
All activities National Societies conduct are grouped into nine thematic areas as shown below.


People reached by type of activity

HealthWater, sanitation and hygieneDisaster risk reductionImmunisationLivelihoodsEducationCash transfer programmingSocial inclusion and building a culture of non-violence and peaceMental health and psychosocial supportShelterMigrationClimate risksHeatwave protection218.3M68.6M60.6M55.8M45.0M31.9M28.8M23.2M20.2M19.5M18.8M15.1M15.0MGrowing gaps in health and well-beingEvolving crises and disastersValues, Power and InclusionMigration and identityClimate and environmental crises