Core Version: Redis: enabled
104th Distribution 2025 – DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION 31st DECEMBER 2024, MIDNIGHT CET
The Empress Shôken Fund (ESF) is here to support the innovation process in Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies and, in particular, the exploration of new ideas through experimentation. The following framework shows you how to turn your ideas into real actions through 5 simple steps:

Innovation Framework cycle

By following these straightforward steps, you can use the Empress Shôken Fund to test new ideas and create positive change within your National Society. We’re excited to see what innovative projects you’ll develop! Also, please be sure to familiarize yourself with all the necessary documents you can find here. For any additional information, please contact

ESF Application Guide

* We encourage you to be cognizant of ethical considerations when testing your solution.

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Testable Hypothesis: What specific hypothesis or hypotheses will you test to evaluate the reasoning behind your solution? Probability: How likely do you think it is that your hypothesis will be proven true? Please provide a probability estimate between 0% (not at all likely) and 100% (absolutely certain). Method: How will you test this hypothesis? Learning: What do you expect to learn from the results or your testing? How will what you learn inform the next steps for your initiative?
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